Saturday, August 20, 2011

Knitting and Clearing my Head

The majority of my job as wife, mother and keeper of the house is in my head. Which is okay with me because I love to be in my head. I have to think about the grocery list, events on the calendar, what needs to be done next around the house, how to keep the kids entertained, clever ways to distract the kids from fighting, the list goes on and on. I am good at my job and thoroughly enjoy my job, but I always have a lot on my mind. I like to keep my thoughts as organized as possible, although I struggle with this at times. To keep my head clear I have taken up knitting, and it has changed my life.

That's kind of dramatic to say, but it couldn't be more true. Knitting is perfect for me. It is a creative hobby; it makes me feel like I am continuing to be productive even when I need some downtime. I also knit when I have a few minutes before dinner is done or the kids want me to "watch" the same Dora episode we've seen a hundred times. Knitting keeps me moving forward with my day. I can work on my current knitting project for however long and organize my thoughts about the rest of the day or at least my next step in getting things done.

Knitting is therapeutic. I love to see the color combinations and feel the textures of the different types of yarn in my fingers. The repetitive motion of creating the stitches with my favorite smooth needles is rhythmic and calming. It is a great complement to my writing as I can work out blog post or article ideas or even book plots while I'm getting my knit therapy.

With my head clear, thoughts organized and my blog post complete, I suppose its time to move on to the next duty of the day. I'll want to get it done so I can knit again.

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