The Small Crew -
Eric, Tanna, Gabby, Jude and Baby Bean |
To sum it all up: I spend my days as a stay-at-home wife and mother of 2 beautiful and inquisitve children. We are welcoming our third child in December. I do have a small art business that I have dabbled in over the past year - mainly mural painting and portraits. I have a deep need to be creative; I have had it all my life. And now that I am approaching thirty, I think it's about time I decided what I really want to be when I grow up. I'm ready to discover my true passion and work on accomplishing some career-related goals all while raising my family. So for the time being I've settled on pursuing writing as I have always had a love for words and putting them together. This blog is part of my practice. I will write about anything and everything that I might come across in my daily life as well as my thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics. Who knows, I may be closer than I think to my great discovery.