Monday, August 22, 2011

Feelings In Dreams

I had the weirdest dream last night. (I say that almost every time I have a dream I remember.) Anyway, the dream took place at our old house, our first house. It was a turn-of-the-century, two-story house with lots of woodwork and skeleton keys. It had a creaky basement door that I swear opened and shut by itself one day when I was home alone.

In the dream I was sitting in the living room, minding my own business, when a family member burst through the door and demanded that we either let this person - she had by the arm, whom I didn't know - stay with us or she was going to move in with us with her kid that day. We just HAD to let her live with us NOW she demanded.

I was shocked and appalled with her. The nerve! Bursting in my door and making demands. Who did she think she was? But I soon found myself trying to work out the details of the living arrangements with her! I stopped, surprised at myself. It was then that I was flooded with emotions of being taken advantage of and disrespected in the past. I started in yelling and cursing at her and backing her out the front door. When she left I sat back down on the couch and wept.

When I remember a dream it is vivid and real. So much so it scares me many a time. And more often its the feelings that are evoked from the dream that are more real than the scenery or faces I see.

I believe some, not all but some, of my true feelings come out in my dreams. Sometimes I wish I had more gumption in real life to just say my exact opinion about people and their situations in person, when I see them, whether they want my opinion or not. But that's just not me. So it comes out in my sleepy imagination as these crazed, emotional visions of distorted reality.

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