Friday, August 26, 2011

Drawing vs. Writing

I have always been good at drawing. And I like to draw, for the most part, I guess. I mostly enjoy drawing people. I challenge myself to really capture their true self in a drawing. And a lot of times I feel like I succeed.

My drawing of my too cute kiddos,
Jude and Gabby

I feel very accomplished and proud most of the time when I finish a drawing. It's the process of completing and sometimes even starting that I struggle with. I push myself to want to work on drawings or paintings. I have argued with myself for many years. Should I pursue art further? Should I have studied more specialized art in college? Why am I even asking myself these questions when the talent is there? 

There are a couple of things I have discovered about myself over the years. First, I do like to draw, sometimes, but I have to be in the mood. Second, I accept that I do not have to draw or paint for a living if it is not what I really want to do. Sounds simple enough, but it has taken me a long time to get here.

I have finally accepted that my artistic talent is not confined to drawing and painting. I do not have to become an expert or professional in traditional art studies if I do not want to. I wish to enjoy the entire process of creating a work of art. Or at least as much of it as I possibly can. 

Writing is also a creative process. To be able to capture the true feelings and details of a story is very artistic. I believe being a good writer is a lot like being a good artist in that you must be able to see things. To honestly see things for what they are and to convey that to others is a talent, a talent I am working to improve every day.

With art, I felt like I should inherently know how to do things, and I grew impatient with the process every time I would start a new project. With writing, I am eager to start new projects and cannot wait to work through each step. Writing gives me the opportunity to combine all the aspects of art and creativity that I love with the order and office work that I crave.

It is funny to me when I think back how obviously a writer I am over an artist. From how I approach topics (how would I describe this to someone creatively and effectively?) and meet people (they would be a great character in a story!) to the methodical madness in my office space, I have thought as a writer as far back as I can remember. Its always been a goal to have that "published author" title!

I know the things I have learned will not be wasted in this writing career I am pursuing. Lessons in drawing and painting and life will be to my advantage as I go forward. This evolution to writer is happening in its right time.  

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