Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 3: Preggo Check-Up #6

Jude and I went to the doctor today for a baby check. His 3 year-old self had to go to the bathroom when we got there, and I knew I'd have to as well. So it was easiest just to take him in there with me. He looked at me funny when I had to pee in the cup.

"Why you doin that Mommy?" 

"The doctor has to test my pee, Bub."

He accepted that answer and everything was fine again. Ok, I thought, not too weird I guess. I'd rather not have my kids with me in the bathroom any time, but sometimes it's a must. I'm sure he's not traumatized or anything. I draw the line at the kids being in there when doc checks my cervix. Didn't have to do that today, so we were good there.

I really don't like taking any kids with me to the doctor, but there are just so many preggo checks. Scheduling eventually becomes an issue. It's inevitable. My mother-in-law can watch the kids in the afternoons which is great. My doctor has decided to take all afternoons off this time of year except the one day that's hard for me to get there. Mmm, hmm.

Baby-wise, everything looks good. Most of the time when I got to the doctor I don't really have any questions. He asked me today if I had any new anything and I said, "Not really. I feel like I was just here!"

I'm measuring 29 weeks, and I'm right at the start of week 30. Check. Baby's heart rate sounded good. Check. Flu shot. Check. Ok, see you in two more weeks!

My smooth doctor's visit today made me think about how really blessed I am, how grateful I am for healthy pregnancies. I've had some bumps in the road with all of my pregnancies, but overall they've been successful. I've carried to term and had healthy, beautiful babies. I may complain about aches and pains and whine to the hubby about being so uncomfortable I could cry, but so far so good with babies 1, 2 and now baby 3.

I'm trying as much as I can to savor all of the baby kicks and even the yucky stuff because we have decided this will be the last time. It makes me have a very different perspective on this pregnancy. And time is going so fast! Like all third trimester preggos, I can't wait to get this baby out and get my body back. But on the other hand, I'm getting a little sad that it's coming to an end.

Another doctor visit down. Getting closer and closer every day now.

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